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Organo Gold Money Talk

Do you find it disturbing that over $40 million dollars is being paid out to the prime nine earners within in Organo Gold? If you are not aware Organo Gold is a mesh marketing group that markets coffee essentially. Coffee is its principal productPeople buy into the undertaking and

Organo Gold Money Talk

Organo Gold Money Talk

Do you find it disturbing that over $40 million dollars is being paid out to the peak nine earners within in Organo Gold? If you are not aware Organo Gold is a trellis marketing party that markets coffee essentially Coffee is its leading productPeople buy into the task and become paltry OG distributors and have the opportunity to make cash selling the products and recruiting new distributors Let me grant you another interesting fact that you may find disturbing about the Organo Gold redemption trick Most mlms emolument out around 50 cents on every dollar they peddle If Organo Gold does the corresponding that procedure 200 million in sales would mean 100 million would go to the department (the Organo Gold distributors) This style over half of the 100 million would go to nine kinsfolk That seems a rarely unbalanced if you ask me. Let us ponder for a momentWhat would you do with that kind of money? Would you take a vacation the best appraisal you got? Would you remuneration off you kids college learning or remuneration off your abode notes? Would you invest in the livestock market, gold or veritable estate? Its fun to conjecture about these things ahead of time so when we do secure this generous of cash we bequeath be ready to put it to business for us Lets look at some revenue estimates of the foregone with this companyIf we look at the protuberance of this troupe it is estimated that by 2015 Organo Gold cede retain over one million distributors. These distributors leave fashion over 800 million in sales volume for the bunch Thats a mound of money. So how much consign the first 9 distributors make?400 million leave be paid out to the area with over 200 million going directly to the peak nine distributors Who wants to be one of these nine? Thats essentially 22 million per man if you dive into the first nine That about 2.6 million every month and 650,000 a week You may not find this interesting but as a comrade who loves stats I find this thumping interestingI feelings crunching numbers Maybe I should be an accountant. People always gibber dont happen utterance befall the numbers Numbers dont lie, kin lie Anyways, I hope you found this message useful, if anything, nature boggling .

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