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Good grade and clamour superiority of the Alpine

Good grade and clamour superiority of the Alpine

Welcome automotive supplies, Xi’an North Second Ring Mall fly rhyme retail sign of the store,When the reporter asked about the new day margins

Good quality and sound quality of the Alpine

Good grade and clamour superiority of the Alpine

It comes to the marketing center now achieved results, the aggregate drinking wet did not forget to assume about the source, he said, the biggest advantage of Xi’an Marketing Center from the day side of the company’s aegis and trust of the headship of the day brim in the most difficult times of the marketing center in a timely procedure given the strong backing and encouragement, Xi’an Marketing Center was able to be based in the local and steady development.

At present, Xi’an Marketing Center at the North Third Ring Meeting in Xi’an can automotive supplies Square and the North Second Ring Welcome automotive supplies pantry to thicken up a prevalent store and the device of a retail larder Sam uttered the marketing center of Xi’an in the end half of this year continue to enlarge product promotion, brand promotion and publicity and orders leave be in the haunt of greater efforts to liberate new products to tout The fresh hand, with the enlarge in activity volume bequeath magnify the staff, and to drive sales swelling through the maturation of new sales policy measures. The expected product sales commit be more sizeable than before

Welcome automotive supplies, Xi’an North Second Ring Mall fly rhyme retail image of the store

When the reporter asked about the new day side of learner coming in the clouds products views, Zhao said, this product has great market prospects, not only sell in the hawk on traditional voice discipline system, Chi coming in a cloud with the powerful vapour computing background and mammoth amounts of data services, user-friendly features such as online on demand, failure diagnosis, real-time traffic, defence monitoring, etc This series of owners need, and these features traditional pilotage products and “I believe that with the wisdom coming in a cloud-to-market, cede lead the pilotage industry to another era”

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2012 organized by the HC Auto Electronics Shenzhen International Automotive Electronics Products Expo will be held in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center on July 19 to 21, the burden of the exhibition is to front the life of the smart car is the industry’s largest smart car Electronics Show, the major exhibitors of the present is flawless of expectations

Worldwide as the Technology (Beijing) Co, Ltd. is the directive of the sales of its consumer electronics venture in China Electronic Information Industry Group Company has been committed to the car dvd and car gps development, integration and sales of triple play and expressive TV series, Chinese electronic brand in the GPS and CMMB the domain has been dominated by the commander so far, thanks to its stylish motif and functional development of the melodious and stable product quality

The exhibition is the participation of China Electronics Shenzhen exhibition, electronic, average manager Mr Chen Tingwen uncommonly much looking immodest to the show, hope to hold fresh distributors and buyers come to exhibitors. He said the actuation why participation in this exhibition, see the media propaganda welfare of the HC and the geographical behalf of Shenzhen Shenzhen is one of the principal electronics industry, most of the country’s electronics manufacturers are gathered here, this is the occasion of manufacturers and distributors entrust be able to obtain a advantage brew